
  • 12 Apr 2019 11:28 AM | Jerice Barrios (Administrator)

    On Friday, April 5, 2019, members of Chicago Area Archivists who attended the Midwest Archives Conference in Detroit gathered for drinks and dining at Townhouse, a restaurant 10 minutes away from the conference hotel.

    CAA @ MAC at Townhouse Detroit on April 5, 2019. Photo by Derek Potts.

    The event was very well-attended, so much so that the accommodating staff at Townhouse had to add another table so that everyone could fit! All together, 30 people joined the gathering: 27 CAA members and three guests. It made for a convivial evening, and a great time was had by all.

    The staff at Townhouse Detroit did a wonderful job of ensuring all 30 guests had a great time. Photo by Jerice Barrios.

    If you missed out on this event, don't worry, there are other events planned throughout the year, including the Business Archives Group Happy Hour on May 9. If you have an event or program you'd like to suggest, please send it to

    For more of what CAA members did at MAC, see our Twitter and Facebook accounts and check the hashtag #CAAatMAC2019. Also, if you attended MAC and have photos to share, please consider uploading them to the CAA Image folder on Google Drive.

  • 03 Apr 2019 10:31 AM | Brittan Nannenga

    The 2019 Midwest Archives Conference has begun! If you’re already in Detroit or heading there soon, there are lots of ways to virtually connect with fellow CAA members at the conference.

    We will be posting on Facebook and Twitter about conference activities, including CAA members’ participation in workshops and panel and poster presentations.

    We invite everyone to share and connect their own MAC-related social media posts by using the #CAAatMAC2019 hashtag.

    You can also easily share any photos you take in the CAA photo folder.

    If you can’t make it to MAC this year but want to keep up with what’s going on, just follow #CAAatMAC2019!

    And for those who are interested in making in-person connections with CAA at MAC—we will see you at the CAA @MAC Meet-up!

  • 25 Mar 2019 2:19 PM | Jerice Barrios (Administrator)

    Kara Jefts, Chair of the CAA Steering Committee, leads the Annual Members' Meeting. Photo by Brittan Nannenga.

    On March 13, 2019, 34 CAA Members gathered at UIC's Richard J. Daley Library to attend the Annual Members' Meeting. Kara Jefts, Chair of CAA's Steering Committee, opened the meeting by introducing the rest of the steering committee and talking about the governing structure of CAA and how the various committees work together to keep the organization running smoothly. She also celebrated the spirit of volunteerism that makes CAA such a vibrant resource for the Chicago archives community.

    2019 CAA Annual Members' Meeting. Photo by Brittan Nannenga.

    The 2018 Annual Report was unanimously accepted by the membership. Some highlights from the report include the increasing importance of communication via social media and the possibility of raising membership dues to account for rising expenses. All subcommittees made calls for new members, especially the Special Events Subcommittee that runs Chicago Open Archives. Meeting attendees offered ideas on how to make Chicago Open Archives sustainable, as it has traditionally been an ambitious and labor-intensive event. One idea was to make it a virtual event via podcasts. If you would like to volunteer to help with Chicago Open Archives, Programming, or Outreach, please contact

    Candidates for Steering Committee were given a chance to speak at the meeting, and the election was held from March 14-March 21. The 2019-2021 Steering Committee cohort are Rene AranzamendezDan Harper, Michelle McCoy, and Rebekah McFarland. Kheir Fakhreldin has been appointed to serve from 2019-2020. Thank you to all of the candidates for supporting CAA leadership.

    For more details on the Annual Meeting, please read the minutes.

    2018-2019 CAA Steering Committee, from left to right: Andrew Bullen, Kara Jefts, Nathalie Wheaton, Ashley Gosselar, Hathaway Hester, Megan Keller Young, Jerice Barrios [Laura Alagna not pictured]. Photo by Brittan Nannenga. You can find all of the photos from this article in the CAA Photo Folder. Consider uploading your own photos from CAA events there!

  • 18 Mar 2019 8:00 AM | Brittan Nannenga

    The election for 2019-2021 Steering Committee members is now open. Any CAA members in good standing may vote, and the election is open until Thursday, March 21, 12:00 pm CST.

    You can find out more about the candidates by reading their statements of interest.

    Check your email for a link to your ballot! If you cannot find the email in your inbox, please check your spam filter.

    If you have election questions, feedback, or want to be removed from future ballot lists, please let us know:

  • 28 Feb 2019 12:45 PM | Deleted user

    During CAA’s Steering Committee election, we will share comments from current Steering Committee members about their work with CAA. Today we hear from Nathalie Wheaton. Nathalie was elected to a 2018-2019 term and currently serves on the Steering Committee as the Special Events Committee Liaison.

    After serving on the Chicago local arrangements committee for last year’s Midwest Archives Conference Annual Meeting, I welcomed the opportunity to keep that camaraderie going by serving on CAA’s Steering Committee. Serving on the Steering Committee has been especially rewarding for me as a lone arranger because I have enjoyed being part of a team of archivists making important decisions and plans. Whether you join the Steering Committee with years of archives or CAA experience, or you are just getting your feet wet, there is room at the table for a variety of perspectives and viewpoints and ideas.

    The deadline to submit your Statement is Friday, March 1.

    Service on the Steering Committee is open to all CAA members in good standing.To volunteer, submit a brief (1-2 paragraphs) Statement of Interest outlining your background and motivation for serving on the Steering Committee to Please include your full name, title, place of work (if applicable), and preferred contact phone and email address.

    Statements of interest will be distributed to CAA members prior to the Members Meeting on March 13 and candidates will also have an opportunity to introduce themselves in person at the meeting. Candidates for the 2019-21 term will be elected by a vote of CAA members cast electronically after March 13.

  • 27 Feb 2019 3:59 PM | Jerice Barrios (Administrator)

    Thanks to the support and generosity of the Chicago Area Archivists community, the Archives and Archivists of Color Interest Group raised $1600 and are able to support the travel and participation of two early career colleagues to this year's MAC conference in Detroit.

    The winners of this year's Archives and Archivists of Color Travel Fund Awards are Kheir Fakhreldin and Rebekah McFarland:

    Kheir Fakhreldin - Kheir is a 2011 graduate of the University of Michigan's School of Information program. He currently works at the Newberry Library and at WBEZ. Kheir has found the CAA community helpful as he pursues his career in archives and hopes that " attending the Midwest Archives Conference, I will be able to meet more archivists of color as well as non-minority archivist allies who are working toward making our historical record reflect American cultural diversity."

    Rebekah McFarland - Rebekah is a 2014 MLIS graduate of Dominican University. She is currently archivist for Sisters of the Living Word. This will be her first MAC conference and already she has jumped in with both feet! Look for her among the panelists on the Imposter Syndrome session.

    Thanks again to everyone who contributed towards this award. Your generosity and participation has supported five colleagues' attendance of MAC's annual conference in the last two years. If you're headed to MAC in Detroit, please be sure to say hello to Kheir and Rebekah.

  • 25 Feb 2019 3:04 PM | Deleted user

    During CAA’s Steering Committee election, we will share comments from current Steering Committee members about their work with CAA. Today we hear from Andrew Bullen. Andy was elected for a 2017-2019 term and currently serves on the Steering Committee as the Treasurer.

    Being a part of CAA's Steering Committee has vastly expanded my horizons. I have worked closely with professionals whose collections and work histories are completely different from my own as well as professionals whose responsibilities closely mirror mine. In its own way, Steering has allowed me to simultaneously broaden and focus my professional contacts and experiences. This is a valuable community and helping to steer it has been a rewarding experience. Being a part of the Steering Committee has rewarded me ten fold

    To volunteer, submit a brief (1-2 paragraphs) Statement of Interest outlining your background and motivation for serving on the Steering Committee Please include your full name, title, place of work (if applicable), and preferred contact phone and email address.

    The deadline to submit your Statement is Friday, March 1 at 5:00 pm

  • 20 Feb 2019 12:33 PM | Deleted user

    During CAA’s Steering Committee election, we will share comments from current Steering Committee members about their work with CAA. Today we hear from Ashley Gosselar. Ashley was elected for a 2018-2020 term and currently serves on the Steering Committee as the Outreach Liaison and as a member of the Strategic Plan Working Group.

    My CAA story is probably similar to many others. I began as an out-of-town listserv lurker then officially joined the organization when I moved to Chicago. I soon volunteered for a subcommittee and have happily served on various working groups. The comradery among members and the chance to use my professional skills to give back to my community have continually prompted me to say yes to CAA. Does this sound like you, too? If so, I encourage you to think seriously about serving on CAA's Steering Committee. The opportunity to see, understand, and influence the big picture of a professional association I care about is very rewarding. It is a pleasure to serve alongside archivists who also care deeply about CAA, and I often have the privilege of saying yes to CAA members who bring creative and thoughtful ideas to the organization. Supporting what works in our organization while grappling with our growing edges is humbling and exciting. Serving on CAA's Steering Committee is a wonderful opportunity to think and talk deeply about our mission and to guide our strategic directions. I invite you to say a big, hopeful yes to CAA's future by joining the Steering Committee.

    To volunteer, submit a brief (1-2 paragraphs) Statement of Interest outlining your background and motivation for serving on the Steering Committee Please include your full name, title, place of work (if applicable), and preferred contact phone and email address.

    The deadline to submit your Statement is Friday, March 1 at 5:00 pm.

  • 13 Feb 2019 11:06 AM | Deleted user

    During CAA’s Steering Committee election, we will share comments from current Steering Committee members about their work with CAA. Today we hear from Megan Keller Young. Megan was elected for a 2017-2019 term and currently serves on the Steering Committee as the Vice-Chair.

    When I first moved to Chicago right after finishing library school, I wasn’t sure how to get my foot in the door. Luckily I managed to find the Chicago Area Archivists and have been gaining knowledge and experience ever since, whether through listserv posts, professional development events, or simply meeting people at the Holiday Party. Being around so many other passionate archivists convinced me to pitch in to help keep CAA going. After a few years on Outreach, I was elected to the Steering Committee, where I have been lucky to work on a variety of projects with my colleagues around the city. The time commitment is minimal (a few hours a month), especially compared to the opportunities CAA offers as a result of all of our hard work. I urge all CAA members to consider serving on the Steering Committee. Joining CAA is a great way to get your foot in the door, but by serving on Steering, you can help hold it open for others.

    To volunteer, submit a brief (1-2 paragraphs) Statement of Interest outlining your background and motivation for serving on the Steering Committee toinfo@chicagoarchivists.orgPlease include your full name, title, place of work (if applicable), and preferred contact phone and email address.

    The deadline to submit your Statement is Friday, March 1 at 5:00 pm.

  • 06 Feb 2019 8:30 AM | Deleted user

    During CAA’s Steering Committee election, we will share comments from current Steering Committee members about their work with CAA. Today we hear from Jerice Barrios. Jerice was elected for a 2018-2020 term and currently serves on the Steering Committee as the Programming Liaison, Interest Group Liaison, and will be taking on the role of Treasurer following the 2019 election.

    What I love about being a member of the CAA Steering Committee is the collaborative spirit found in this group. Committee members come from different settings and have different skill sets, but we are all passionate about serving the Chicago archives community. It is extremely rewarding to work with a group of dedicated, creative professionals and know that your ideas are welcomed and that your perspective is appreciated. Volunteering for the Steering Committee is an enriching experience as well as a chance to give back to an organization that I admire.

    To volunteer, submit a brief (1-2 paragraphs) Statement of Interest outlining your background and motivation for serving on the Steering Committee to info@chicagoarchivists.orgPlease include your full name, title, place of work (if applicable), and preferred contact phone and email address.

    The deadline to submit your statement is Friday, March 1 at 5:00 pm.

Contact CAA at

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