Wrap-up of 2019 Day of Service

21 Nov 2019 2:24 PM | Doris Cardenas

On Saturday, November 2nd, more than 15 people gathered at the home of Estrella Alamar, Founder of the Filipino American Historical Society of Chicago (FAHSC) to inventory and conduct a preliminary inspection for a collection of 16 mm films and large-format banquet photos.  Nine volunteers with Chicago Area Archivists and Chicago Film Society joined more than 6 volunteers from FAHSC. We were a small but motivated group!

Rebecca Hall (DoS co-organizer) and Julian Antos from the Chicago Film Society gave an introduction to amateur film production history and showed the group how to identify evidence of damage or deterioration when inspecting films. 

Becca Hall demonstrating film inspection to volunteers. 

Then we organized into groups: 2 tables were set up for film inspection with 3-4 people at each table and a photograph inspection table with 6-8 people participating in photograph inventory. 

Fifteen 16mm films were thoroughly inspected and 78 photographs were inventoried and their condition noted.

FAHSC members Amando Bocales, Estrella Alamar, and Terese Guinsatao Monberg identifying people in one of the banquet photographs with CAA Volunteer Becca Smith.

The highlight of the day was the opportunity to project one of the silent 16mm films that had been inspected and determined to be in good condition. The content included social gatherings in Calumet Park, Montrose Park, and Elk Grove between 1938 and 1947 filmed by Estrella's uncle. Her uncle provided excellent contextual information on the storage container and with caption cards, plus Estrella and other volunteers were able to identify many of the people in the film, including Estrella herself! 

Film projection. FAHSC founder and DoS hostess, Estrella Alamar (right).

Volunteers enjoying the impromptu film screening (Merle Salazar, Ari Negovschi, Meredith Payne, Julian Antos, and Andi Altenbach).

We will be providing FAHSC with a report that includes a summary of the day and inventory findings, as well as advice on next steps in caring for their films and photographs.

Thanks to everyone who participated!

Amando Boncales

Andrea Altenbach

Anthonie Tumpag

Ari Negovschi

Becca Smith

Estrella Alamar

Jessica Goodman

Julian Antos

Kristin MacDonough

Meredith Payne

Merle Salazar

Rebecca Hall

Rene Aranzamendez

Ruben Salazar

Terese Guinsatao Monberg

Contact CAA at info@chicagoarchivists.org

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