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  • 08 Apr 2011 11:00 AM | Morgen MacIntosh Hodgetts

    The CAA Spring Member’s Meeting was held on Thursday, March 31st with thirty-two people in attendance. The election for the two open vacancies for the 2011-2013 CAA Steering Committee Terms was so close that a run-off election took place. Rob DeLand and Andy Steadham were elected to fill the vacancies.

    All present voted to approve the revised by-laws – these are now posted. Please note that the Steering Committee received feedback regarding Article III, Section 3 which includes the statement: “Voting shall take place at the Annual Meeting and results shall be based on a majority of members present.” Members asked the Steering Committee to provide electronic voting in the future for people who are unable to attend the meeting.

    At the meeting the formation of three subcommittees were approved: Events, Professional Development, and Outreach. 

    Minutes were taken but have not yet been approved. Once approved these minutes will be posted.

  • 25 Feb 2011 1:30 PM | Morgen MacIntosh Hodgetts

    Illinois’ Historical Records Preservation Grants: The best deal in town! 

    The Illinois State Historical Records Advisory Board (ISHRAB), using funding from National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), is offering grants of up to $5,000 to Illinois historical records keepers to develop and/or carry out projects to identify, preserve, access and use historical records in Illinois. Information about this grant program is listed below.

    Grant Amounts and Requirements

    Minimum grant request: $500; Maximum grant request: $5,000. All grants require a one-to-one ($1 for $1) in-kind and/or cash match

    Application Period: March 1, -  March 15, 2011

    All grant projects will run for one year.

    Guidelines and Application Form: The grant guidelines which includes the application form is available on-line at or you may request the guidelines be mailed to you. The application must be printed, filled out, and mailed. It cannot be submitted on-line.

    The Illinois State Historical Records Advisory Board is made up of representatives from different archives, museums, universities and libraries from around the state and seeks to facilitate cooperation among historical records depositories and other information agencies within Illinois.  The Illinois State Archives serves as the coordinator of the ISHRAB.  

    For additional information or to request the grant guidelines and application form, contact David Joens at 217-782-3492 or email

  • 10 Feb 2011 1:49 PM | Morgen MacIntosh Hodgetts
    DePaul University Special Collections and Archives Department is honored to announce the recent donation of papers and artifacts by Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ, noted advocate for death-row inmates, and death penalty opponent.  Sister Helen’s extensive donation includes her correspondence with prison inmates, records documenting her work with anti-death penalty organizations, and manuscripts of her books Dead Man Walking and Death of Innocents, as well as props used in the film adaptation of Dead Man Walking. The initial deposit of records will be open for research by early 2012, and will be supplemented by future transfers from Sister Helen. 

    Helen Fedchak, Processing Archivist, accessions Prejean Papers
  • 09 Feb 2011 1:55 PM | Morgen MacIntosh Hodgetts

    History Fair events are soon upon us and your involvement is necessary to provide a quality judging experience for students in elementary or high schools.  You may see brilliance…or you may see the best a student or school can do…but you have an opportunity to make a difference in students’ education.

    This is a chance to both fairly assess student work and turn students on to libraries and history by reinforcing their efforts!

    Please join us at a four-hour Saturday event or a weekday paper judging session.  Consider going with a group of CAA members and turning it into a social event (pubs such as Krolls is not to far from IIT for an after-judging event).

    See History Fair Web site for information about volunteering.

  • 18 Jan 2011 3:30 PM | Morgen MacIntosh Hodgetts

    The Illinois State Historical Records Advisory Board (ISHRAB), using funding from National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), is offering grants of up to $5,000 to Illinois historical records keepers to develop and/or carry out projects to identify, preserve, access and use historical records in Illinois. Information about this grant program is listed below.

    Grant Amounts and Requirements

    Minimum grant request: $500

    Maximum grant request: $5,000

    All grants require a one-to-one ($1 for $1) in-kind and/or cash match

    Application Period: March 1, -  March 15, 2011

    All grant projects will run for one year.

    Guidelines and Application Form: The grant guidelines which includes the application form is available on-line at or you may request the guidelines be mailed to you. The application must be printed, filled out, and mailed. It cannot be submitted on-line.

    The Illinois State Historical Records Advisory Board is made up of representatives from different archives, museums, universities and libraries from around the state and seeks to facilitate cooperation among historical records depositories and other information agencies within Illinois.  The Illinois State Archives serves as the coordinator of the ISHRAB.  

    For additional information or to request the grant guidelines and application form, contact David Joens at 217-782-3492 or email

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