Wrap-up: Tour of Rush University Medical Center Archives

12 Sep 2016 3:25 PM | Deleted user

CAA thanks all who attended Rush University Medical Center Archives on September 8. CAA member and Rush University Medical Center Archivist Nathalie Wheaton led twelve attendees on a tour of the fascinating collections at Rush. With her extensive knowledge of Rush collections, Nathalie used photographs and artifacts from the Archives to describe Rush's history from its founding in 1837 to today. Highlights of the tour included a close look at photographs and paintings as well as a recently-unearthed time capsule and several generations of nurses' uniforms.

If you missed this event, don't worry - there will be more events throughout the year at a variety of dates, times, and locations. Coming soon:

Chicago Open Archives 2016, October 6-8

Have an idea for a CAA event? Contact the CAA Events Subcommittee at info@chicagoarchivists.org


  • 16 Sep 2016 6:06 AM | Dolores J Barber
    Nathalie gave a great presentation -- it covered both the history of Rush and the history of the Rush Archives. The photos and artifacts made it all come alive. This was one of the better tours I've been on.
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