Wrap-up: Lunch & Learn: What's Your DAM? Media Burn Archive

16 Jun 2020 6:30 PM | Doris Cardenas

On Thursday, June 4th, thirty-nine CAA members attended the second virtual event in the What's Your DAM? series. Sara Chapman, the Executive Director of Media Burn Archive, was the guest speaker.

Sara gave an overview of the organization and explained that the collection starts in 1970. It is mostly documentary videos, but Media Burn also has short videos, experimental videos, and narrative animation. 

Sara illustrated how she uses the Independent Media Arts Preservation (IMAP) template database which was started in the 1990s. It is a Filemaker Pro database which can be exported to either Dublin Core or MARC.  

Thank you everyone who attended the virtual event and showed great interest in the talk with their comments and questions. A special thanks to Sara for taking time out of her day to speak to CAA members!

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