CAA Annual Members Meeting and COVID-19

13 Mar 2020 10:45 AM | Hathaway Hester

Dear Colleagues,

For the health and safety of our members during the COVID-19 outbreak, the CAA Steering Committee has decided to hold our Annual Members Meeting via videoconference. We will still meet from 6-8 pm on Wednesday, 3/18, and we will still have the same agenda, only we won’t be face-to-face.

Realizing that this decision may change some people’s ability to attend the meeting, we will extend registration to Tuesday, 3/17 at 5pm. It’s important for all attendees to register, as call-in info will only be sent to those who have signed up for the meeting. You may register here:

While we will miss seeing everyone in person, Steering is confident that a virtual meeting is the right thing to do given the circumstances we are all living under at this moment. We look forward to seeing you online on Wednesday.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us with questions.

Wishing you good health,

Your Steering Committee

Hathaway Hester (Chair)

Laura Alagna

Rene Aranzamendez

Jerice Barrios

Ashley Gosselar

Dan Harper

Michelle McCoy

Rebekah McFarland


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