While attending the Society of American Archivists (SAA) Conference in Cleveland, Steering Committee member Anita Mechler joined a meeting of the Regional Archival Associations Consortium (RAAC) as the liaison for CAA and as a new member of the Grant Development subcommittee. Representatives from RAAC discussed their 3-year plan: to support information exchange among the leadership of regional organizations and between regionals and SAA; to encourage collaboration among the regionals and between SAA and the regionals; to coordinate efforts to streamline actions, reduce costs, and increase services to archivists around the nation. An overarching goal is to create more formal and regular lines of communication and anything shared by RAAC will be shared with CAA members through this liaison position. [For more information, please visit the SAA website at: http://www2.archivists.org/groups/regional-archival-associations-consortium-raac].