SAA Webinar - Standards for Digital Archives

10 Mar 2013 6:41 PM | Stephanie Giordano (Administrator)
Register for the next CAA sponsored SAA Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) webinar at any one of the following 4 convenient locations on March 20th, 21st  and 22nd. Register online now!

“Standards for Digital Archives” 

Wednesday, March 20th
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM at Wheaton College
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM at the offices of the Medical Library Association 

Thursday, March 21st
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM at Chicago State University

Friday, March 22nd
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM at Northwestern University, Evanston

About the Webinar

Do you know the most important standards a digital archivist needs to know? What are the options, which ones apply to your work, what are the benefits, and what is practical for your particular situation?Get started with this foundation on standards as a stepping stone to courses that focus and discuss in more detail specific standards for particular archival functions and the applications of those standards, including accession, arrangement and description, access, and outreach.For more information about this webinar, see the course description on the SAA website


Space is limited to 20 participants at each webinar, so register quickly with convenient payment by credit card for the location and date of your choice. 

CAA members: $15
Non-members: $20 (You can easily become a member of CAA first to get the member rate!)

On-site registration:
CAA members: $20
Non-members: $25

NOTE: For those webinar participants who wish to pursue DAS certification and to take the online exam after the webinar, SAA will charge a separate exam fee of $35. 

Interested in More Digital Archives Specialist Webinars? Can't make the March webinars? “Information Architecture” is the next scheduled Web seminar to be offered in Spring 2013. Check in and stay tuned! 

This webinar is sponsored by the Chicago Area Archivists (CAA). CAA is offering a series of webinars from the Society of American Archivists’ Digital Archives Specialist curriculum.

Contact CAA at

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