Wrap-up: Curating & Exhibitions interest Group Virtual Meetup “High-Tech, Low-Tech, On-site, Off-site: Bringing Digital Technology Into Library Exhibit Work”

01 Oct 2021 10:54 AM | Andy Meyer

On September 29, 2021, the Curating & Exhibitions Interest Group hosted its third virtual meet-up with the topic “High-Tech, Low-Tech, On-site, Off-site: Bringing Digital Technology Into Library Exhibit Work.” Chelsea Kaufman, Library Exhibition Designer, The University of Chicago and Juan Denzer, Engineering and Computer Science Librarian, Syracuse University Library gave focused overviews on projects they completed that brought in audio, visual, and computer-generated technologies into their exhibition work. Chelsea discussed how she created videos of curator talks and embed them into digital web exhibits, as well as the processes for iPhone videography and audio transcription for accessibility. Juan Denzer demonstrated how he has used touch and sound components into exhibits, and discussed how librarians can adapt Bare Conductive Touch Board, Xboxes and gaming equipment such as AR Magic Book into exhibit interactives.

Moderators Carol Ng-He, Digital Collections Curator at the Center for the Art of East Asia at the University of Chicago, and Patti Gibbons, Head of Collection Management at the Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center at the University of Chicago Library, guided the Q & A after Chelsea and Juan’s presentation. 

A total of eighteen attendees participated in the event.

A recording of the meet-up is available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PZx3ShzJlhboLTFV4RJUXgJMnbU8Kp8s/view?usp=sharing

Copies of Chelsea Kaufman's slides are available here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yLAbgUs8okEO1fES2k-9sIKqaUqW3Rxw/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116171446116710502195&rtpof=true&sd=true

Copies of Juan Denzer's slides are available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qkjG3l0moWK0yb9iPZbwm1eEUlEPNQCd/view?usp=sharing

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