Wrap-up: Curating & Exhibitions Interest Group Virtual Meetup “Creative Changes: Keeping Outreach Going During the Pandemic”

04 May 2021 9:53 AM | Andy Meyer

On April 27, 2021, the Curating & Exhibitions Interest Group hosted its second virtual meet-up with the topic “Creative Changes: Keeping Outreach Going During the Pandemic.” David Greenstein, Lecturer in Special Collections and University Archives at the University of Illinois at Chicago, presented a talk about a project at UIC where special collections provided archival resources to students in a semester-long for-credit virtual course. He covered ways he, as an instructor, thought creatively during the pandemic to make collection materials accessible to students he was teaching how to curate exhibits and work with archival and special collections material. David taught students to create virtual exhibitions using surrogates of primary source materials and Scalar open-source eb-based software for multi-media online publications.

Moderators Carol Ng-He, Digital Collections Curator at the Center for the Art of East Asia at the University of Chicago, and Patti Gibbons, Head of Collection Management at the Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center at the University of Chicago Library, guided the Q & A after David Greenstein’s presentation.

A total of fourteen attendees participated in the event.

A recording of the meet-up is available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15d7Te-J24HEC_FoA8mBEO2tCayxz8Pwh/view?usp=sharing

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