Video Data Bank - Behind the Scenes Tour

  • 07 Oct 2016
  • 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM
  • 112 S Michigan Ave, Chicago IL, 60603


Registration is closed

Chicago Open Archives event: Staff will give visitors a guided tour of closed stacks, a conservation area, or other space not usually open to researchers in order to share information about the breadth of collections, areas of expertise, and/or services offered by the Video Data Bank. Take a tour of the Video Data Bank's audiovisual holdings, and learn about their ongoing, in-house digitization program.

Guided tour will be approximately 45 minutes. Advance registration is required. This event is free of charge.

Visitors will be required to sign in with the front desk with a photo ID to receive an identification sticker. Visitors will then take the elevators to the 3rd floor, and the Video Data Bank offices are directly outside the elevators. 

Video Data Bank (VDB) is a leading resource in the United States for video by and about contemporary artists. The VDB Collection includes the work of more than 550 artists and 6,000 video art titles.

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